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All views expressed in posts and articles on this website are personal to the author.

Wyeside Consulting
supplies the services of William Wilson as a barrister, environmental and energy lawyer and consultant.

William Wilson advises companies, governments, regulators and other clients on environmental, energy and climate law, public policy and regulation. He has wide experience working as a senior lawyer within government, private practice and consultancy.
He is currently working part time on a contract with the Office for Environmental Protection as a Principal Lawyer on Research and Analysis.

He is Recommended in Who’s Who Legal (WWL) Environment 2023 and Climate Change 2023

 Areas of expertise include –

 Environmental  & Energy law

 Water Law 

 Nuclear law

 Utilities regulation

Project examples are on the Environmental & Energy page.


 William Wilson also works on international legislative drafting projects, typically with local counsel and government departments and stakeholders, turning policy into legislation.

Project examples are on the International page.

 Climate law

 William Wilson is co-founder of a website, blog, events, newsletter, publications and films to support young people on climate issues, at The Borrowed Earth Project - Climate Resources for a Better Future - , which currently has over 7,000 followers in 150+ countries.

Examples of climate work are on the Climate page.


Use the Contact Us page to get in touch with William Wilson for a free no obligation initial consultation, to discuss how to help resolve your issues with environmental law and regulation.



Consultant Editor: Halsbury’s Laws of England, Water & Waterways, Vols 100 & 101 Consultant Editor, (2024) 5th edn and (2018)

‘Guide to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change’ – 3 languages, 2020.

 Report ‘Environmental Institutions: Parliamentary Oversight of Environmental Governance and Legislation’ – WFD, 2020

Making Environmental Laws Work – Law and Policy in the UK and USA' (1999)

Co-author: ‘William Robert Grove – The Lawyer who invented the Fuel Cell’  (2007)

Contributing author: Guide to Nuclear Law (2010, and 2nd edn. 2015)

Contributing author: Infrastructure and methodologies for the justification of nuclear power programmes (2012)


 “Using the Law to Fix Climate Change”  shown at COP26 events in Glasgow, November 2021.

Climate Carnage in Pakistan” on impacts of 2022 floods on education, shown at Children & Youth Pavilion, COP27, Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, November 2022

“Biodiversity and Climate Change” 2023 - a short film on what biodiversity is, why it matters, how it us under threat, the links to climate change and what is being done to address biodiversity loss.

Evidence to Parliamentary Committees:

Work on Senedd /Welsh Parliament consultation on Governance, Environmental Principles and Biodiversity Targets

Joint Bill Committee: written evidence on Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022

Defra and Devolved Administrations Pesticides National Action Plan, 2021.

HoC EFRA Committee Inquiry on Air Quality, 2020

Welsh Parliament / Senedd Inquiry on Environment Bill Legislative Consent, 2020

HoC EFRA Committee Inquiry on Draft Environment Bill January 2019



Get in touch

Please contact William Wilson about help to resolve environmental law and regulatory issues on +44 (0)1225 730 407 or use the form on the contact page.